Jan 18, 2012 14:41

Hey, we can talk all we want about free downloads and copyright infringement and IP all we want. cucumberseed breaks it down that it isn't just about the feel good First Amendment stuff. SOPA/PIPA affects more than how we gather information or share it.  It affects kills jobs.  It's impossible that he is the only person in this situation.

Bring up this situation with your congressfolks. Ask your congressfolks if they want to explain to their consitutents in middle and upper-income brackets why well-educated, socially-contributing individuals are being put at risk of new unemployment, new drains on social welfare, new infrastructure and services decay that will ultimately be deeply and harshly recalled when elections arrive all too soon. Ask them to consider that.  Then demand they destroy support for these meaures.


Originally posted by cucumberseedat If SOPA/PIPA pass
I will lose my job.  My perfectly legitimate, non-infringing job.  Gone.  This will also be the end of my career as an author, and as a painter, not that there is much of a career in either.  Everything that puts food on my table, a table in my apartment and an apartment into which a table and food goes is reliant on a free internet.

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