Or, "I Want My Nazi Scalps!"
Signal Boosting via
cucumberseed, who boosts from
cristalia. I have fuck all for cash at the moment, but I can throw 20 bucks at saying "fuck you border cops" any time of the year.
Dr. Peter Watts, Canadian science fiction writer, beaten and arrested at US border. This is my friend. He is somewhat self-deprecating and snarky and goofy, and he writes phenomenal fiction and has done me a great deal of kindness. He is part of my community. I have a not insignificant amount of adrenaline in my mouth right now.
If you have the resources to spare even five bucks, I would much appreciate it if you would consider contributing to his ability to simultaneously pay his rent and mount a legal defense. Paypal is donate@rifters.com.
There's something I want to bring up here. I don't know this guy, I've never read his fiction, I'm not part of his community. I don't know him, I don't know the circumstances and because I'm not on the hotline to the netnews whatever I'm probably not going to.
Here's the point. Cops should not get away with disproportionate use of force on a individual. I don't care who the fuck they are. Award winning writer and a doctorate or crackhead with three years of elementary school. I don't care. If it happens in Honduras or Estonia or fucking Bota Raton, Florida - I don't care. It is not fucking necessary and doesn't solve shit.
I will concede at the moment that the present source sounds alarmist in regard to the severity of the attack on Dr. Watts. That he was "beaten" could mean a lot of things, and I'm certain if it was serious enough for him to have been seen by a medical professional that detail would have been in the article. Does that mean I'm excusing it, or being an apologetic? Hell no. As far as we know, he got out of his car (which is a damned mistake of common sense when speaking with Eagleland cops, but the fact that I can hold that opinion is more evidence toward Henry Rollins' assessment that we live in a defacto police state) and asked the purpose of a search. Asked. Not interfered, or took measures to escape, or even farted in their general di-rec-tion.
He asked a question. Which, I understand, given our general level of education sophistication and vocational training of peace officers might have caused momentary cognitive and neural stress on the part of the border guards, which could have conceivably caused some kind of mild discomforting vascular or muscle tension in the region of the temples, scalp, and facial area. This, I suppose, could have been considered a hostile, aggressive action on the part of Dr. Watts, which could, in some definition, be considered an assault on the officers.
By matter of comparison, were I to enact an equivalent policy of escalation, this would mean that I could legally mutilate and grievously murder any SOB who made the mistake of calling me at work and asking a relevant question about their claim or benefits as indicated in their coverage. And that's just the folks who ask NICELY. The normal dickwounds who fill my day with rancor and bile would undergo a trial that would make Eli Roth cover his eyes and Torquemada look like Amnesty International.
If you got cash, drop it on the man. Worse comes to worse, you can feed some kittehs. At best, you'll have some border cop's holiday pay pulled just in time for them not be able to get their fat-ass kid some overpriced piece of plastic and microchips that will end up in a landfill in five years poisoning the groundwater. And the look that overpriviledged kid will give his PhD-beating income-provider, that look of total disappointment, the one that screams out "I will hate you all your days and we'll never have a charmingly Hollywood-esque child-parent moment that will shine all through your golden years as you're sitting in your own freezing excrement in the third-rate Upper-Pennisula nursing home I've contracted to slowly poison you to death"...
...that is so worth the cops not getting a slap on the wrist for this.
Yours in Evil.