Rules Hacks
I'm running pretty straight M+M at this point, but I have implimented the following house rules. Gonna slip this behind a cut 'cause it's not vastly important although there was a customization I'd like input on...
1. With the consent of the players, Hero Points go into a Team Pool, basically to foster team play and to prevent the players from coveting their hero pts. People who get extra hero pts (like with the Lucky Feat or other advantages) are given them individually.
2. 'cause the PCs belong to a sponsored team, I'm using the Requisitioning Rules from the Mastermind's Manual.
3. Also using the Mental Grappling requirement from Mastermind's Manual in order to use mental influence powers in combat (Mind Control, Emotion Control, Possession, any powers with "psychic" descriptor). This represents a combatant's general mental alertness and unwillingness to submit in a conflict. Since the rules suggest this, I call this a free action prior to the actual effect taking place. Naturally, an true "mental grapple" (as in the base book) is not a free action, and can be attempted normally. Mental Grappling is not required to use Mental Blast - which is a brute force damaging effect.
4. Gave the PCs several free feats: Equipment 5 (ProAll TechKit), Benefit - ProAll Membership.
5. Designed a Feat for one of my Baddies: Gauntlet Defense.
Gauntlet Defense: You are skilled in taking on several opponents at once, and are at less of a defensive disadvantage even when surrounded. Each rank in this feat allows you to cancel out the benefits of the Aid action in combat, negating the Aid benefit an opponent provides another opponent. Each rank in this feat allows you ignore Aiding opponents according to the Time and Progression Table. At 5 ranks (ignoring 10 additional combatants), you essentially possess Immunity to Aid Actions. Not that this does not negate Combined Attack (which is based on toughness), but does make it harder for multiple attackers to actually hit you.
Might need a comment on that last one to see if people think it is worthwhile. It didn't seem so in the game, but considering the person who has it has a shit ton of feats, I could have forgotten a lot of things.