We're doing things a little bit
watermelontail style today.
"'It bordered on science fiction to think that someone as liberal on as many issues as Rudy Giuliani could become the Republican nominee,' said Nelson Warfield, a Republican consultant who has long studied the former mayor’s career. 'Rudy didn’t even care enough about conservatives to lie to us...'" Don't get me wrong, I'm not shedding any tears that the prospect of
Giuliani Time going national is dwindling. But I'm damned surprised to see in a mainstream news outlet that they would explicitly quote someone as basically saying, "Republicans want their candidates to be lying sacks of shit who pander to our wingnut demands, regardless of what their actual ethical or moral beliefs and policy initiatives actually are."
Didn't care enough to lie to us.
Makes about as much sense as "If my girlfriend really cared about our sex life, she'd cheat on me and get some practice."
In other news: How long before stoners in CA start doing bulldozer smash & grabs
on these things? Recipe for disaster, I think. Well, maybe not disaster. But certainly more stoned folks on rented forklifts.