Apr 13, 2008 11:31
Rudely awoken again by a RPG attack on the front gate that happened just enough ahead of when I'd have to get up anyhow that it was impossible to get back to sleep. Oy vey.
I'd say "I'm tired of this", but it would be both a multi-layered irony, and wholly inadequate.
More than 400 days here. Ye gods....
Put my section's M1068 on a trailer tonight. Off it goes, I'll never see it again, good riddance and don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out! Watched the companies pack up and seal more containers of stuff....we're finally getting closer to home. We can't quite see the barn yet, but we can smell it, as the Chaplain put it.
24 more days. I don't know how I'll stand it.
iraq life