Apr 09, 2005 03:48
Yeppp i dont know what to think really lately, im in a confused state but whats new? I've been in a confusion for months now probably. Today i was suspended so i slept in till like 4:30pm then bone crusher came over, we hung out, talked and shit. Abbie came over then mike phalin showed up and me mike and abbie went to keiths. Hung out there, a bunch of people came. Cool things kinda happend. Got to see jessica!!! yayaaa! Got to see kali too, i missed kali. Hung out there, me keith and mike got 40's drink them with kyle, got a little drunk. After that came home around 11:30ish. Thought about some shit, thought how i really dont want some things, gotta change it around a little bit. About midnight chris and some girls came to my window, talked to them for a bit then they left. Talked on the phone with abbie for a few then got off to sneak out. Went and hung out with chris and these girls. They were wasted and i was drunk. We all hung and talked, one girl continued to believe i was spiderman. Haha, she was seriously drunk as fuck, she drink loundry detergent? haha.April called me her big brother haha aw. Southlyon bitches are crazy, i love them thow. I miss amanda laford so much, we used to be best friend in the summer, im gonna start hangen out with her some more she's been asken me, ive just been putting it off like an asshole. We had good times and i miss them like dick trickle. Overall thow i think things have been pretty good. I really like someone its crazy, havent really felt this way in a while. Every time we kiss and stuff it makes me feel like the best I've ever felt. I like it haha.Shes really funny, and says wierd ass shit i like it, softest feet haha, cutest facial expesions, prettiest eyes ever, shes good company haha. Hope this person feels the same, if not its all good. Its pretty obvious who it is but i like being mysterious and stuff. Other cool stuff thats goin on i forget, but ill ya. I'm goin to bed now thow, so goodnight lovers leave a comment if you like.
So many fish there in the sea, I wanted you, you wanted me
Watched her as she whipped her eyes, you dont make me sorry
The meaning of life will come in a dream, this is why we must never go to sleep
Nothing that he tells her is really having an effect
He whispers that he loves her, but shes probably only looking for
So much more than he could ever give
A life full of lies and a meaningful relationship
_Die young and save yourself_