Welcome to life......... it sucks,part dueux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 01, 2009 11:35

Well, here I am, living in Wisconsin. I love it, sorta, kinda, mebbe. Maybe if it didn't suck so bad. I get here, no money, no job, and no place to live. Find a job, after almost a month and a half living off of other people. Staying in a hotel for four months, trying to find ways to pay for it. Find a one bedroom apartment to move into temporarily. Well, at least for the next year, anyways. Get into a car accident two weeks after that. Lose all food stamp benefits. Find a vehicle to buy, and now have car payments. Two weeks later, find out the job I have is now gone, because the place where I am working is closing it's doors. Ain't life just grand? Can't win for losing, can I?
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