Happy birthday Anya!!!!
Well, a good time was had by all on Saturday, the seventh. Little miss Anya had her b-day party, and she made out pretty good. She got several outfits, a baby doll, a tickle me Elmo, and a lullabye Elmo, as well as $95.00. It just isn't fair that my daughter has more money than her parents. Anyways, on to the pics from saturday. And, oh yes, she had fun with her own cake.
I really like the last one, it's almost like she is sighing, after having eaten way too much, although she didn't eat as mush cake as it looks like she did in the photo.
I filmed the whole cake eating sequence, it was really fun watching her eat the cake, as this was the first time she has had to have sugar.
Enjoy the pics, it was fun watching her.