My awesome weekend and Katsu

Jan 28, 2008 19:43

Work sucked, was tired, got my new video card, to tired to install it, or fuck with my Zune

Got up installed video, OMG is it awesome. It's a dual head card, so to will feed both my TV and Monitor simultaniously. After I put everything back together the annoying hum that is normally there on my receiver when the computer is feeding it was gone. *sweet* I had breakfast with the `rent my father made french toast bacon and sausage. Yum.
Then headed up to Brooklyn to Jasmine's to work on Ceras this costume is going to be amazing. Ended up spending the night there.

Got home, no where to be found. Took care of the dog, messed around with the drivers for the video until I got it to do what I want. Now when I watch any video it automatically goes full screen on my TV.
Met up with Xais,(Nigga)John and the rest of the usual movie group and saw Rambo which was all kinds of awesome.

My car is full, I hope not overfilled.
Here's the roster:
Myself (of course)

For those riding down, I want to be on our way by 2:00 at the latest.
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