Running temp of 102 currently, really shouldn't post..but.

Aug 22, 2006 20:30

Huh...this is me. I'm me. I'm environmentally aware. I recycle, but if you do the research, EVERYONE until the last, oh, 40 years or so recycled. I drive a station wagon that I try to keep tuned, but it's an old Taurus. NOT in the best of shapes. I'd love to see an alternative fuel source mostly because I'm TIRED of shelling out uber amounts of money entually to people who think I'm subhuman because I"m female. I'm tired of the oil companies making a mint and more and stating baldfacedly that they're loosing money when an intelligent person has seen the reports THEY'VE provided!
I like my plastics. Hell, I love getting milk in plastic gallon jugs. I like my coke in a plastic 16oz bottle.
I've lived in Germany at the time of the fall of the wall, literally. I know what it's like to NOT have the freedoms that we take so for granted here in the states. I've seen firsthand what living daily with terrorism is like. Hell, children...we are SPOILED! We've had SO few instances of terrorism in this country, it's not funny. And when we do! We over-react, putting us in a place we do NOT belong. Period. I don't think we belong in Iraq, Iran or any other country. Hell, if we're interferring in Iraq, then why aren't we in Rwuanda(or however you spell it)? They're regime is as bad if not WORSE than Husseins is/was! Sheesh people...we're there 'cause the oil cartel's got us by the short hairs. Why don't we just take over? Send in a REAL force of arms and make them a colony? Or just NUKE them all and let their choice of God sort them out. I'd feel horrid, but then I'd feel horrid if someone had that same idea about our country...oh, wait..they ALREADY DO!! Remember? We're the Soulless America. The Whore of Babylon! Okay folks..I refuse to share my title with anyone...especially not my Country. My ex feels I'm the WoB...and says as's MY title!
I'm pretty damned patriotic. To the point that the National Anthem PLAYING makes me cry! I know the words to it and have since I was a small kid. I love baseball and make a MEAN apple pie....granted, it's because I love apple pie too..but still.
I truly feel that since the rest of the world is getting pissy at us...we should just pull out from EVERYWHERE. Pull or forces from EVERY NON-AMERICAN SOIL base around the world! PERIOD. No bases in Germany, England, anywhere. We need to pull our aid from whoever we're giving it to. We've got enough troubles here at home, why the hell aren't we helping ourselves? Food? Don't ship is overseas. Cars? They can stay on the shores of whatever country built them. We've got some pretty damned awesome cars here. Hell, we even have our own OIL here...but noooo...we can't touch it! We even have DIAMONDS here..but you know what..the diamond cartel says they aren't REAL diamonds! Yet they are molecularly the same as THEIR diamonds...but becuase THEY don't control them...they're not real diamonds.
Let's see where the rest of the world would be in say 10 years without the USA's money, manpower and goods! To hell with the rest of the world I say. I"m tired of us being the police force for the rest of the world and getting grief for it. Those soldiers on the front line? Put them on the borders to keep drugs out of the states. To keep illegal immigrants from coming in. And as my Grandmother was the FIRST of her parents children BORN here, same with my Grandfather...their parents were legal. Hell, going back far enough, my ancestors traded FAIRLY with the Deleware INdians of Rhode Island! And according to census family has NEVER owned slaves. So, let's pull our troops, aid, money and everything else and see where the rest of the world goes.
And I really shouldn't write when I"m sicker than a dog, but I"m tired of people bitching about one thing or the other...and not doing anything about it. Do they not realize that in many other countries what they're doing would get them SHOT? Noooo. Because we've had it good here. And so now we're selfish, spoiled sheeople. Hell, spike a tree in pretty much any other country, you'd probably get life in prison if not a death sentance beucase your actions killed someone. Protest all you want, but we live in the BEST DAMNED COUNTRY in the world...and too many people are too friggin blind to see it! Well, FEH on you!
Oh, and if you're too much a coward to post your're not allowed to post on my lj. My LJ, my rules.
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