It will be a true miracle if I make it to Thursday night alive.
Past 24 hours: Drove to Buffalo, went to the Billy Joel/Elton John concert, crushed beers with Darren, drove home ths morning.
Now: Pound out a French summary of a play I didn't read
2:30- 5:10- French
5:10-7-- get some random Oxford stuff done, try to read a few bv stories
7--Oxford interest meeting
8pm-3 am-- bv, plus write my op ed
9 am tomorrow-- bv
11:30-2:15-- class
2:30-7-- bv
7:15- 8:30-- class
Plus about 20 e-mails/obligations/dumb shit I've been putting off.
thtgewjerhqkw;lkf. Whatev, in like 36 hours it'll al be over for better or worse.