Jun 08, 2005 12:49
Hey yall it has been awhile seence i have updated my life has been CrAzY
Friday Delaney and Me went over to my grandmother house about 3ish and swam for like 2 hours then we spenthengiht there and it was fun
Saturday Delaney and me woke up at my grandmothers houhse about 10ish and we went and got on the computer and tlaked to people for like an hour then we went swimming till about 4:00 then we came to my house and ate dinner and then dealney went home and i went strighed to bed i was do tired and warn out
Sunday i went to church and then out to eat to Seafood market (yummy) Then i came home and me and my mom and dad went shooping at the summint and i got some makeup from lancome then i came home cleaned my room and went over to my aunt hosue to spenthengiht!!!
Monday i went to Auburn to move my cousion amanda dwon there and me and matthew had to put this stupied dresser together and it toock like forever we keeped messing it up but neways then we went out to eat then we came home and me and my sister heather went to the movie like at 8:15 and saw cindereall man that is like the best movie ever
Tuesday sleeped most the day and cleaned the house and came and spent the night over at ashley Fun fun
Wedsenday at ashley slept till about 10ish and we have just been hanging out and stuff i think ashley and matt will make a really cvute couple but yeah comment and tell me about you weeK!!!