Jul 13, 2010 23:50
- 09:11 @ ladyofbrileith Yah. That's far more entertaining. ;p #
- 09:12 @ rogueapprentice *pets you* *sends Castle to annoy the power into turning back on* ;p #
- 10:27 @ DonnieWahlberg TWUGS!!!! :D #
- 10:55 Dear Castle: Learn to share or else I'll dress Beckett in burlap.. Other people need sex/conversation/equal fucking time. Love, Your Mun :P #
- 11:18 @ rogueapprentice These two need to learn some manners. Srsly. *nodnodnod* ;D #
- 14:41 @ oldspice If astronauts & cavemen were having a war, which side would you join to ensure their dominating victory? #
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