Why chirp when you can TWEET! :P

Jul 08, 2010 23:50

  • 09:31 @ ChellyBean79 What was, wha happen? #
  • 11:21 @ leximun We...are talking about what to do with them. :P And WHEE!!! :D #
  • 11:46 @ leximun Gimme a call, more likely to find me. Not sure if I'm going home or to auntie's, and she never lets me online. Boo. #
  • 13:11 @ rogueapprentice @leximun She's...gonna make Castle do it? LOL #
  • 13:25 @ rogueapprentice @leximun Like hell! He says his daugher can't know he's boffing her roomie/strong female role model! #
  • 13:25 @ rogueapprentice @leximun Alexis can only know he FANTASIZES about boffing her. That's safe. Yup...don't ask me, the muse is INSANE. #
  • 13:32 @ rogueapprentice @leximun Eventually he'll tell her they're dating...eventually. Sans reference to angry monkey sex all over the hotel room. #
  • 13:46 @ leximun @rogueapprentice Yes, but Rick wishes to preserve the illusion that he's a thoughtful, considerate, totally NOT obvious dad. :P #
  • 14:05 @ leximun @rogueapprentice Castle isn't listening to you. He's a damn fine actor, so neener. :P #
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