Things I love thursday!

Aug 07, 2008 15:51

Haven't written in awhile but i want to do this every week. It will recap my favorite parts of the week thus far! and Gala does it so i should too!


-Quality cuddletime and pillow talk with best friends: Maybe it's a strange concept, but i love to share a bed with my friends. I'm a cuddle whore. It's really nothing sexual; I just like to be close to people that I care about. My favorite part is sharing secrets, my nose about an inch away from his/her nose. You can't be anything but honest during an intense session of pillow talk.

-The fact that places like this exist: why can't more restaurants have organic food on their menus? Especially vegan items? Is that really asking so much? Tula's Kitchen is absoutely delicious! After a longgg debate (because I had SO many choices), I decided on the veggie crab cakes with vegan tartar sauce. They were so good. We each ordered something off the desert menu as well and shared. I got the vegan chocolate ice cream which was wonderful. The raw coconut cream pie was awesome too. The atmosphere was so chill. I even wanted to live in the bathroom. The music didn't really fit but hey to each his own. LOVE LOVE LOVE the place omg. As usual when one of us has a vegan-related discovery, I texted Kyle about it and he already had been there and loved it too. Best part? Sharing the meal with Noonan's amazing sister and brother-in-law. They're super nice!

- Being able to afford fun stuff: From working this summer, I've become used to having extra money. I've saved a good bit of it but I also have some to use on so-called pointless things. I LOVE getting manis & pedis and having someone who actually knows what they're doing (unlike me) shape my eyebrows. It's not all that expensive where I live (probably because there is a salon at least every 3 blocks) so it's a fun treat every now and again. Bonus- every time I look at my toes, I smile and at Jay's party, I was told my nails matched the typical red Solo party cup perfectly. Who could ask for more?

- V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! : I finished my internship last Friday and have been living the unemployed life all week. It has been great. I work out a lot, eat wayy better because I have time to make food, party on random Tuesday nights, read all the time and write in my journal. Perfection. I'm going to Maine on Saturday, which will be a trek but so worth it. I guess my real vacation starts then. I'm so excited to go back, have the usual life-altering thoughts/experiences and explore with my boys again. After that it's back to school for my final year of college!!!!

-Noonan's college frames: I got my third one when she picked me up to go to Nick's house on Tuesday. It's probably my favorite thus far, maybe because junior year was my favorite year? Who knows. Anyway, it has such great pictures on it and I can't wait to put it up on my wall in Oneonta with the others!

-Music conversations with my Dad: My dad has stellar musical taste and I love to tell him about new music and have him tell me exactly who their influences are and that I should go listen to them too. We have a ridiculous amount in common, which is probably why we often but heads. When we do get along, it is great fun.

-Silly Crushes!: I guess I always have crushes on random boys but I've got a doozy of a crush right now. It's not that serious since I don't know him that well but oh man....he's so cute, super musically talented, nice, on top of communicating with me and most-likely single (haha I'm not 100% but I really hope/think so)?! Does it get any better? I think I'm going to ask him to go on a picnic (or something like that) with me when we are once again living in close proximity to each other. EEEP! <3

Suppose that's all I have for now!

“Leave your home and contemplate that which surrounds you. Climb mountains, traverse valleys, ascend trees, and drink sweet, pure spring water. Thereupon, you find your soul to be free like the bird that sings and swims in the sky in perfect rapture.”
-’Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni
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