Feb 18, 2008 14:46
Hello, party people! Just a quick question.
How many of you would be interested in taking a survey of sorts? Some of you may have noticed, I'm very interested in the nature of our "Taledom," as some people have taken to calling it. It will just include a couple basic questions on how you connect with your specific story, etc.
You would certainly be under no obligation to answer all the questions - everything would be entirely at your discretion. Though I would be immensely gratified at every detail possible, I can certainly make do without, in case you're not comfortable divulging your tale or what have you. Every little bit counts!
Also, for anyone who might know - do we know where the original Atheneum(s) are located? The New York City HQ can't very well be the first one, and I'm sure a lot of information could possibly be gleaned from the past locations. Archaeological dig, anyone?