+ Origin thread
{+} Network post
- Sub-thread
# Finished ((Hand-waved outcome))
@ Log
/ Misc. comments
Arrives in Ukiyo / Thinks it's the afterlife / Wholly mistaken
- Suzaku Kururugi # / Mistook him for Lyle / Brings some Western clothes
- Lenalee Lee # / Refreshing attitude / Can ask her for help anytime
- Lyle # / Briefest glimpse of his brother / Will call back once he has answers
- Yazoo / Comfort means little to their captors
- Dino Cavallone / Agrees that the clothes are
- Anew Returner # / Was eager to meet him, and knew his name / He's never met her before
- Kallen Kouzuki # / "Trapped" here / Asking personal questions
Invites Anew over # / She explains about Lyle and herself / Mixed results
Time to make some calls
- Lyle / Starting dialog
- Lenalee # / Gets a tour of the main streets / Hearing about her world & skills
Hungary # / Talkin' about dates and Christmas holidays
Sara Mudo / Damsel in mild distress
Lynn Minmay / New arrival / Downright cheerful
Lenalee # / Talking about Christmas traditions / Offering to cook together
Anew # / Discussing alternative remedies to the curse / Invited over for tea
Tea with Anew # / They conclude that to beat the curse they have to help one another / And they do // Curse reset~ \\
+ ((Having stayed the night, he wakes up to Anew bringing him breakfast, before being escorted out of the house admist much cat-calling. >.>))
Cornelia li Britannia # / Gives her tips on where to find Western style clothing / Almost gave away his identity ("This is getting awkward.")
Curious about the trolleys - Lenalee # / Meeting up for their shopping trip + cooking / Heavy conversation was had
- Lyle / Surprised at his profession / Meeting face-to-face
- Ali Al-Saachez # / SHIT. / Doesn't answer him, for obvious reasons.
Kallen # / Talking about protecting people
Oerba Yun Fang / Another newcomer, who was looking for people
Exploring Hibiscus / Trying to memorize the layout
- Lenalee # / Came across her as she worked / Snowball fight + mistletoe
- Minmay / Was out shopping and looking for the onsen
Naomi Kimishima # / A doctor seeking supplies / Made an appointment for Saturday afternoon
Aerith Gainsborough # / "Flower girl" / Arrived calmer than most
Ali al-Saachez / He and his brother both respond to the maniac / Hilarity ensues
Check-up for his eye # / Naomi gives him an alternative medicine to try / Appointment made for Tues. evening after the new year
Asking people's opinions on saving up - Anew / Checking in on how she is doing / Invites her over // Curse reset~ \\
- Suzuki Adelheid / Complimented by an honest woman
- Lelouch vi Britannia # / Gets practical advice: budgeting
- Lenalee # / Asks her about a tailoring job for a friend / Warns her about Ali
- Constantine / Weird commentary about debt
- Kiyoha / Jaded, but honest lady / Knows a lot about the "floating world"
- Kantarou # / Suggests bartering
- Aerith / Reminds her of a friend / Asking about his world, somewhat randomly
))20(( -- Cold Event
Lenalee # / Heads over for jogging / Hurts his knee / Touching works to dispel the cold / Ends up taking a nap
Cornelia # / Recommending people stick together / Briefly discusses how her clients are doing
(( Anew visits again, as he was worried about her yesterday, and she also frets over his knee. Cuddling escalates...)) // Curse Reset \\
Lenalee # / Concerned over the crazy!John she's fretting over / Finds out she has the curse, too
- John also replies # / Wondered what Neil's "complex" was
Dylandy family Christmas / Have to make due with what they have
Looked like he saw a ghost / Aerith arrives at his door by accident / She's cold and cursed... what to do? // Curse Reset \\
Kiyoha / Complaining a bit about cleaning for the holidays / Shopping!
Lenalee # / Thanks her for the music box with a very late Christmas gift
Lyle / His bro complaining about chores / (Also, he called on... Anew. what was that about?)
Lenalee # / Having curse trouble / Tries to provide a legitimate distraction / It gets... out of hand // Curse Reset \\
Suzuki #/ Having an adorable cat moment / Discussing clients and curses
Dinner conversation with Suzuki / Stop scaring the serving girl...
Kiku Honda (Japan) / Speaking of 'phantom pains'
Kiyoha # / Congratulates her on her new teaching position
Naomi # / Follow-up appointment for his eye.. and maybe his knee
- Also, invites her out to dinner at the Italian diner later that evening
Tifa Lockhart # / Another newcomer / From Aerith's world
Asking about the dojo / Maybe starting up a gym
- Anew # / Finds out that had been with Lyle, recently, and that they were an item back home -- even though his brother doesn't remember this
- Liquid Snake # / Interested in the dojo / Military man from the past
- Aerith / Wonders about the pool suggestion...
Lavi # / Newbie who asked about putting on clothing / Will call when he wants the spare clothes
Yuuki Kuran # / Asking about honoring the dead and birthdays / Awkward name confusion thanks to his brother
Aerith / Stumbles (almost literally) into her late at night in the garden
Naomi # / Having difficulties with her curse / He promises not to interfere or worry (though the latter can't be helped)
Dr. House / Doctor joking about whether or not he was dead? Good start
Faye Valentine / Hello~ nurse! -- wait, what's that about "earthlings"?
Tifa # / Inviting him to stop by the Red Arms pub where she works
Suzuki # / Turned into a bunny / When she changes back, she's naked / Also, Lockon is an idiot
Questions about worship in Ukiyo / Not in the best shape
- Tifa # / Offer to visit and lend him an ear ...
- Anew # / Worried about his curse, too / Basically tells her to stuff it...
- Genyjo Zanzo / Can't tell what his angle is
- Aerith / Also concerned
- Lyle / The curse is easy for HIM to talk about
- Kiyoha # / Should not be offering to help him
- Carly # / Hummingbird at his window
- Zenya / Curious about a lot of things / like his time in space
Time to "talk" with Tifa / She manages to convince him to think // Curse Reset \\
Yuuki # / A new pet? / Nope, just another person turned into an animal...
Apologizing for the other day /
- Anew # / Relieved to hear him well / kiss-and-make up time? // Curse reset \\
- Kiyoha # / Also glad to hear he didn't die
- Suzuki # / Embarrassed, he'll have to make it up to her
- Aerith / Irked, and rightly so
- Faye / Curious about where he's been
Cornelia / Observing the fireworks display
Carly # / The hummingbird was found / along with his secrets / ((Blackmail ensues))
// Curse Reset -- Anew, 30th \\
Curious about people's spring plans / Football (soccer), anyone?
- Cornelia # / Played before
- Aya / Has some interest
- Alisha # / Audience / Need to meet up sometime
- Shawn # / As good as in!
- Tyki / More curious about his job, apparently
- Kallen # / Hunt down a proper field when the snow melts / Jogging?
Genyjo # / Asking about people going home "early"
@ Sneaking into Shakuraku's house party
Kiyoha # / Congratulating her on her promotion
Cornelia # / Hiding from pranksters and party-goers
Aerith / Birthday coming up?
Shoshanna Dreyfuss # / Able to get possessions / Even weapons
Laura Kinney / Asking what her "mission" is...
Encounters Anew at the Starlight Pavilion # / A coincidence that she's alone for the evening // Curse reset~ \\
Finds Alisha while out-and-about / They stop off at her workplace for lunch
Kiyoha # / Bound and beaten / She calls this "fair"?
Hitagi Senjougahara / Asking about the stars
Shoshanna # / In the same house as Lyle / Confirmed that he hasn't been around...
Drinking at the Red Arms pub / Neil grieves in the best of ways
- Ibuki Suika # / An "oni"? Really?
- Juliet Salazar # / Exorcist from London / Taking him home~ // Curse reset & energy drained for a week \\
- Lacus Clyne / She was being hit on by an unruly patron
- Aerith / Surprised to find her here
- Lightning Farron / Bit of a brawler, it seems
Making up for his idiocy # / Not about to let Anew kill herself like this... // Curse reset \\
[ March ]
Alisha # / Her tattoo is suddenly spreading / Making non-curse related plans (he hopes)
// Curse Reset - Anew \\
Hachisu party! / Unexpected, but Alisha seems into it so they stick around, and get her some Cactus Tea
))15(( Event - honesty is the best policy
Kallen # / Bunny-ears? Funny.
))19(( Event - Personality switch
Aerith # / Hello, nurse! Someone's quite inviting today...
And so he takes that invitation ~
@ Wake up in the morning feeling like --
- Lacus # / Comes over for curse help / To keep his cover, he obliges in some one-sided assistance
- Cornelia / Finds her in his body, at his place / Welp.
Anew finds him getting off work / Turns out she saw what he had been up to / but they talk it over
Aerith / Apologies abound! ;;
Post-event complaining / But trying to be a bit reassuring, too?
- Cain Hargreaves / Commiserating over the results of the last few "events"
- Lacus # / She figures out what happened between them the other day / encourages him to talk to Cornelia
- Lady / She finds out that this is sort of a normal thing for the ukiyo
- Cornelia # / He confessed what happened with Lacus / That didn't go well
- Mai / Displeased at the pattern of curses, too
Kallen # / Her birthday today, it seems she has no plans though
Cagalli # / Asking about the curse
[ April ]
Kiyoha # / Remarking about the upcoming festivals
Meets Anew for drinks # / Wondering just what she has planned... // Curse Reset \\
Komachi Onozuka / Two copper for the toll...
Fang # / Back? Only she doesn't remember this place
Aerith # / Getting news about Aya's murder - not the first one in Ukiyo recently, either
Suika # / Pacing about her room / making him more anxious than he already was
@ Trying to
relax with a quiet drink
+ Jeremiah / Another man in Western wear / just a little out of place in the ukiyo...
{+} Needs more
hobbies / also, concerned over the safety of his friends
+ Suzaku / Offers to help find darts / surprising revelations about his home
+ Kallen # / Watching out for themselves and friends / casual talk about pubs and soccer (Zuko had the same idea, it seems)
+ Cornelia # / Doesn't want to kill him? Quite surprised...
+ Yuuki / Curious about the darts and his handicap / Things are calmer in Jisei
+ Alisha # / Doing quite well / even rid of her curse for good (for now)!
+ Kiyoha # / Back from the farm / missed everything, except the flowers
Juri Kuran / Another new arrival who has passed on / quite a collection of them in this place
[ May ]
Touga Yagari # / Asked about what he missed / Who wants to talk about ~murders~?
@ Given some
additional chores around Hachisu
- Dai # / Curious guy, asks about his burned eye and football / A little... obsessed with some people
- Cornelia / Just happened to be passing by...
- Anew # / Wasn't aware he had been punished / --an oddly brief visit.
- Touga / Happens along on his way to the market
Yuuki / Needs fast cash for... cakes?
Suika # / Talking of throwing another, smaller, party
@ And then the party was had!
Suika # / Starts talking to her about drinks and the cast on her arm
Anew # / Arrives and tries a few drinks, but she needs to be more careful
Bound to Kallen # / Just another trick of this damn place...
[ June ]
Matsumoto / Had a good time with her slave, apparently
Kallen # / Building models / of course she would ask about the rope
Alisha # / Promoted to entertainer a while ago / obviously unhappy about it
{+} What does
security mean to others? / How far will they go for it?
+ Jeremiah # /
+ Kiyoha # /
+ Cornelia # /
))18(( Powers event begins
Greeting the morning with both eyes / ...what?
+ Alisha # /
+ Kiyoha /
Alisha / Literally bumps into her on the street / and then several times right after that... // Curse reset? \\