Exactly a week from today I will be winging my way to Sydney, Australia. YAY...and...OMG, NO!!! I'm excited but freaking out because I have no time to get everything done, both at work and in my personal life, before I go. ARRRGGGGG!!!
I am popping by Borders during lunch, taking a break from all the other million errands I need to do, to buy some "beach" reading. Does this not look like the BEST EVAH BEACH READING!!!!
Why, Mr. Darcy! I believe...YOU'RE A FRACKIN' ZOMBIE!!! I'm also taking
this because Mr. Carlin was brilliant and hilarious and the title alone will be a conversation starter.
And I'm taking a whole bunch of books that I registered on Bookcrossing for release in Oz. So, all of you Ozzies that are Bookcrossers, keep a lookout for my
I'll be extremely out of touch for almost 3 weeks, darlings. So, everybody else that's traveling, have a wonderful time. Those of you staying home should send me your souvenir requests by Tuesday, May 26th!