Car update: Driveable, now that the nice man from the RAC has changed the wheel for me, but ded from wall beaten all to buggery on the back nearside quarter. Won't be sorted till mid October.
In other news, MS has pwned me again.
My speech has been deteriorating over the last six weeks, starting while I was on holiday in York (I put it down to cocktails at the time - never having drunk much in the past, it seemed perfectly reasonable that indulging in 'Happy Hour' and drinking things with silly names and sugar round the rim might result in uneven speech). I can still make myself understood, if I go slowly and concentrate, but I'm slurring and stuttering to the point where working with clients is pretty much impossible. The GP is signing me off on Monday for however long it takes to get this under control.
The science bit - taken from Dysarthria can be caused by dysfunction in the nervous pathways affecting any of the muscles of the tongue and mouth, the voice box and the respiratory system. In multiple sclerosis it is often caused by lesions in the cerebellum, the brainstem or connecting pathways. Blah blah speech rate and rhythm blah poor articulation and slurred speech.
Although my right arm is quite weak at present, I can still touch-type at a reasonable pace and there's something very liberating about being able to communicate quickly and comprehensibly, something I'd usually take for granted. As someone very wisely mentioned the other night, on the net, no-one can hear you scream stammer.
ILU internet <3.