OK look. I'm gonna stop with the apologising. I like LJ, I hope your all good BUT life is a bit drama full ATM. LiveJournal takes TIME, which is why it's cool, but I have to be in the right mood for that.
Mental health, family, work, money, boyfriend. Some serious problems, some not. I'd tell you about it if I could work it out myself.
In 5 years time I will be either dead or super awesome.
I'll be around when I'm around. If you don't like that then de-friend me, k? I do make a specific effort to keep up with a few of you.
I'm also not going to apologise for this post being self absorbed, over dramatic or cryptic. If you were going to comment something to that effect then please just fuck off. I'm OK. As in, I'm safe and I'm doing what I need to. It's just too much like a bad movie right now.
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