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Feb 25, 2004 16:03

Yeah! Glad to hear from Andi today and hear that she is okay! Still not feeling up to par with these new meds. Have a call into the Dr. about the side effects and getting a new blood test early. Work is still boring, but at least they are giving me more to do now. Some times it sux being so damn good. You excell at something and your marked as "the one" to do it from then on. Oh, well, gives me a change of pace for once.

Cant wait for this weekend! Going to Dempsey's with murmur and my cousin Friday night for some good drag queen action then to another bar on Saturday with the rest of the family for Tatt's bday party! I need to get out and have some fun! Oh and cant forget about duckie and the gnomes! Very excited about that too!

Dr. office called back just now and took all my info, she will have to talk to the Dr. and call me back. I hate it when the nurses call me back cause they dont know anything and if the person who took the message had given it correctly they would already know what to ask the Dr. about. *humf*

Well that is my week so far, not to anythingish is it. This weekend will be better, I will just focus on that:)
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