I have totally had a productive day today. I made lavender-flavoured cupcakes AND THEY ARE DELICIOUS; thus my day has not been a total waste. I really like things that taste of flowers.
I bring a skating rec!
The Future of Men's Figure Skating by
perculiousJohnny and Evan as fumbly teenagers. omg this is amaaaaaazing. I was so totally in the mood for teenage fumbling yesterday and then there this was. Her Evan is the sort of dumb that I like my Evan, where he's all confused about himself and kind of awkward with everyone else. I'm also really impressed with how well Johnny's character came across, the sort of false brashness of someone who's still actually trying to figure himself out. I want approximately 1000 sequels of teenage awkwardness.
I had my second-to-last exam yesterday for Spanish. I'm so burnt out on Spanish right now, which is both ridiculous and annoying, given that I haven't actually finished my degree yet. I don't want to have people judge me on my grammar any more, or be forced to write about things I don't care about or have to read books I hate just because someone told me to. I hate translating! And yet I still have to do it. Only until Tuesday though, and then I will be freeeeeeee.
I'm semi annoyed that I'm burnt out on something I put so many years of my life into perfecting but I think it's just a uni thing. I don't get frustrated reading Amor en los tiempos del cólera or talking to my sister's boyfriend, so maybe once it stops being an obligation, I'll remember that Spanish is actually really awesome!
I also just saw
emma_took's tattoo on Facebook and have a sudden urge to get one myself. Damnit.
ETA: Dear Lord,
Johnny Weir is pretty. He changed his outfit, like, four times though.