I know, I know, I keep disappearing for months on end then popping up all of a sudden /o\ Soon my exams will be over though, and with them my final year of undergraduate study! \o/?
First awesome thing of note!
luzula has made a podfic of one of my stories! This is very exciting to me; I've never had a podfic before. The story in question is
Invicta (Greek mythology, Helen/Aphrodite), which was my Yuletide story in 2008. Her recording can be found
here and it is awesome :DDD
Second awesome thing of note! Figure skating is pretty rad! Thus,
jocondite and I have opened a new figure skating comm,
skategreat, and we're running a cliche challenge to welcome it into being. Also, hopefully so that someone will write me the spy!Daisuke/Yu-na story of my dreams. Do you really want to live in a world where this story does not exist? I think not.
Challenge FAQ,
list of cliches and
sign up post! Go sign up. You know you want tooooo.
This post is also a GIP because of Stephane's back *_* Gngh, backs.