Rough Few Days

Dec 16, 2006 23:50

So, Wednesday at battle, I decided to climb the mountian again. Not speaking in metaphors, that means that I'll be fighting my flesh more, and forgiving myself everytime I fail. It also means that I'm not going to run from any battle but stand and not run. If I stand, God get's the victory. If I run, then Satan get's the victory (right Mike?).

Today was a rough day. I woke up fine; I was focused on God, and I was on fire. Then I woke up again (my usual custom is to wake up about every 9 minutes for an hour to two hours), and I was engulfed in warfare. The peace that I'd had 9 minutes before was gone. I spent from 9:39 in the morning until just an hour and a half ago with a rediculus weight on my chest that wouldn't leave. I knew that It was warfare, but I didn't know how to battle it. God then pointed out to me that just because I knew that It was warfare I hadn't said it and brought it into the light. Once I did that...the battle was won.

God's been having me fail a lot these days (i.e., wed, thur, fri, and, but even in my failures I've been praising God for being strong enough to carry me through. God told me this "Even when you fail, I AM. When you win, I AM. You can not change who I am because I AM. Every victory is mine, and every failure is still a victory because I've won the war." Needless to say, it was very encouraging.

*This is for Mike*
I haven't given up my brother. The battle is very intense and the mountian is very steep, but I'm still climbing and God is guiding my path. I have fallen a few times but I'm still on the rock and I'm NOT going to stop until I reach the top. I'll see you there my friend.
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