well, that's a thing

Jul 13, 2016 12:10

with the new computer having a severe lack of slots for flash drives and being stuck with having to use a CD to act as a flash drive (apparently that's a thing with this computer, I can format a CD to act as a flash drive), I suppose it gives me a chance to remake a few icons

so, plans:
Finish up Epic Winter trailer - done. (Waiting to be burnt to a CD. I want to make at least a few more batches of icons before I burn the CD - it's a 700MB CD, I'd feel silly to use just 5.? of it with just the Epic Winter trailer icons)
Make the Meet the Pixies Dragon Games icons (I have them set, I just have to resize and save. Play with the graphics for two - one where Featherly is poking her head out of the bushes and one where Deerla is healing Darling's leg) - in process
Redo Wish List - all capped, being placed on the flash drive CD.
Cap Piping Hot Beats - started
Go back and pick out episodes from Chapters 1-3 that I like and do those (so far, Fairest on Ice and Heart-Struck on the docket from Chapter 3)
Do either "Meet the New Students - Mari, Lorna, Batsy, Kjersti, Isi" from Monster High or "From Fear to There - pt1" from MH
Do a couple of Star Darling clips/episodes (In process of capping Science of Fashion)
Maybe icon a bit of Happily Ever After/The Gnomes (1980)

Of course, this is all pending me not getting anything new and shiny popping up

happily ever after, icons, disney, star darlings, ever after high, monster high, blather, david the gnome

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