Jul 10, 2007 17:20
I have managed to keep my job, which is a good sign. I still like my job which is an even better sign. I get along with my co-workers and sometimes they even make me laugh. I am starting to get annoyed with Terry though because he keeps telling the lamest jokes and he often invents really bad puns. I stopped smoking herb on May 22nd and I am still not smoking. It is a requirement of the job because I am learning to drive the fork lift. The fork lift is super fun and I am doing really well with it.
I will be going to the burn this year and camping in Gigsville with Kshemi and Chuck. I camped with them last year and it worked out really well. My ticket will be at will call so I will probably get to stand in line for awhile. No biggie. I want to get to experience more of the city this year than I did last year. Who knows maybe I will even fix my bike up for the burn.
I have been feeling kind of lonely lately. I seem to keep losing friends and at this rate I won't have any left. Because I stopped smoking herb, I don't really hang out with my friend Eva or Lisa. So much of what we did together revolved around smoking. When I do go over there I feel left out and then I get tempted to smoke. Up until a few days ago she was still calling me to see if I could get her hooked up and that really bothered me. Its not part of my life anymore you know. I like to help friends out but I just don't want to be around it. I am sure time will strengthen my resolve and at some point I will be able to hang out with her again.
Chuck leaves this Thursday to go to Oregon for a fair. I think he will have a lot of fun. Its kind of a bummer that I am not going but it wasn't meant to be. I try to console myself with the knowledge that he will miss me and would like me to go. I have been having a hard time with his other girlfriends. They are not causing trouble so much as that I get jealous and insecure. What do they have that I don't? I try to remind myself that it has very little to do with me and everything to do with him. Its what he wants and I want him to be happy. At times like this when he is getting ready for a trip to see one of his girlfriends I get bitchy and I am hard to deal with. My roommate even noticed and commented on it. This behavior is not a new thing it has been going on the entire length of our relationship. When we first started dating I was a secondary and now I am his primary so you could say I have been promoted. Part of my gripe about this trip to Oregon is that I was told of the trip instead of asked which is what our agreement is. He said he made a mistake and that he will not do it again. Its just funny because it was his rule with his primary before me so its not something new. I guess he just forgot or like with most things he is seeing what he can get away with. When Indigo was in town I asked to meet her and she declined because she felt weird which really pissed me off and still does. She can sleep with my boyfriend but she won't meet me. Its just rude. I told Chuck either she meets me and gets my approval or I don't want him to see her again. He said he understood and agreed.
I won't be going to school in the Fall. I want to make sure that I am adjusted to working full time before I add more to my to do list. Some days when I get home from work I am really tired and I imagine trying to go to school after that. Seems like too much. I do want to go back so I will get work up the stamina I am sure.
Well that it pretty much what is going on with me. Any friends out there feel free to call me sometime and chat. Who knows maybe we could even get together...805-704-6507.