Hi hi! I've been asked to explain the last couple of cryptic posts that pertain to some plot or other calling itself "
War Games"
So here it is!
A little while ago I realized that I'd not been able to post with any of my characters for some time. This is fine for Screwtape because he's mostly an NPC anyway. For Pippi, that's a little problematic. So with a few other people I cooked up an idea for something that would let me post sporadically while explaining where she's been all this time.
The conceit is based on the 50th (ever) serial of Doctor Who called "War Games" (
Wiki Article.)
In a nut shell, "The TARDIS's arrival in what appears to be a World War I battlefield begins an intriguing problem for The Doctor as he pieces together a complex galactic plan: but the truth of the War Games is a challenge that forces the Doctor to contact his own people, the Time Lords." When the Time Lords review the evidence, they conclude that the best course of action is to send all the abducted soldiers back to where and when they came from with no memory of being abducted and to isolate the bad guys (their entire planet) with a gigantic forcefield.
In a coconut shell: This was the last serial to feature the second Doctor. In it he and his companions find themselves in the middle of a World War I no man's land. In short order they discover is not all that it seems. They are not on Earth and it is not 1917.
They are on another planet I have creatively dubbed "The War Planet". The inhabitants of The War Planet are planning some sort of massive invasion of... Somewhere (probably Earth). They are abducting groups of soldiers from various wars in Earth's history and dropping them into "zones" on the planet where they are conducting experiments that involve the soldiers continuing to fight each other as if its business as usual. There's a 1917 zone, an American Civil War zone, and Ancient Roman zone, and so on. They are also perfecting a mind control process that keeps the soldiers obedient, but there's a 5% failure rate they are trying to eliminate. They are being helped in all these endeavors by a corrupt Time Lord calling himself "The War Chief" who is working for the leader of the War Planet, a guy called simply "The War Lord". (The War Lord is not a Time Lord, and the War Chief is the Time Lord but not the War Lord... Thank you writers, this is not AT ALL confusing...)
In the end, faced with insurmountable odds, The Doctor decides that the War Lord and the War Chief must be stopped and the only way to do this is to contact Gallifray and report the War Chief to them. In the end the War Chief was punished and the War Lord and HIS ENTIRE PLANET are imprisoned behind a humongous forcefield, effectively cutting them off from the rest of the universe for "all of time".
So fast forward a bit. There are now no Time Lords around except for two and they both have better things then sit around and guard a planet surrounded by a ginormous forcefield. Our The Master, needing parts and facilities to get what he needs for turning the TARDIS into a paradox engine, goes to the War Planet and makes them an offer that involves him turning off the forcefield. They agree, and, because she annoys him, he's dumped Pippi into the War Games. She also serves as a distraction for the people of the War Planet. Because he plans on either ditching them or taking over and if they're occupied with trying to deal with her and the trouble she'll stir up, they won't notice he's setting up to screw them.
So, how does this all relate to you all? In the near'ish future (I need to check the plot calendar) we will have something akin to the Prospective Students Weekend, except not in town and not limited to students.
That is, people can sign up to play a character not currently in game to try it out. I'm thinking there could be, at the very least, three different threads where people could try out the characters. There could be a general "evening campfire" where people can just interact and chat, an "infiltration group" and a "attack on the camp" where people can be fighty or just react to peril in a non-fighty way. After which, some time policing agency can show up (there are several non-Time Lord possibilities from Whoverse alone) and get everybody home without them getting to keep the short range time travel machines.