Everything We Had [Thirteen C]

Aug 26, 2008 20:22

Title: Everything We Had [13c]
Pairing: Gabilliam<3
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: If this is real, omg, I'm sorry Bilvy D:
Summary: "...I met a wonderful person and got the almost week-long experience of a lifetime out of it, and hopefully a friendship that lasts that long, as well, and that's more than enough for me."
A/N: Gabe completely owns Chris. The end. (As if you didn't see this coming :P)

To be honest, Gabe had never been more nervous. Not even a week ago, Gabe had never even heard of William Beckett. Now he was in court, trying to convince a jury that someone he beat up is the guilty one, and that he was only trying to protect William.
"So, Gabriel," Chris' attorney began once again, pacing back and forth. It made William feel as if they were on a television show, and all of this was just an act. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't. This was all real.
"Gabe, please," Gabe interrupted timidly. "Only one person calls me Gabriel." Gabe looked over to William, grinning. He remembered back to when he and William had first met and he told William that Gabriel had made him feel old. William had told Gabe that the name reminded him of an angel. Gabe changed his opinion of his full name after that. William smiled back at him, blushing, as he, too, remembered the event. Chris' attorney rolled his eyes and mockingly continued.
"Okay, Gabe, had you ever met Mr. Beckett prior to Tuesday evening?"
"So why didn't you call the police when he randomly entered your home?"
"I thought about it, until I saw that he was bruised, beaten and bleeding. Then I thought he needed to be helped, not arrested."
"Wouldn't his injuries be more of a reason to call the police?"
"It would be, if he hadn't begged me not to."
"And why did he beg you not to?"
"He said if the police were involved, Chris would only hurt him worse. I asked him who Chris was, and he told me that he was his boyfriend, the one who did this all to him."
"If you didn't go to the police, why didn't you seek medical attention for his injuries?"
"He refused that, too. Said the doctors would wonder why he was injured so badly, and then the police would get involved. So I cleaned out his cuts, got him some water and something to change in to, and let him rest, hoping he'd be okay by morning. ...When I woke up, he was in the bathroom, puking and clutching his ribs. ...I noticed some blood being coughed up, as well, so I took him to the hospital, then," Gabe explained, seeming to have difficulty getting the words out. The images of a broken and hurt William were painful for him to think of, but he knew that if he didn't tell the complete truth, no matter how painful he thought it was for him, Chris would be free to hurt William more, and he could not let that happen.
"Why was your door unlocked in the middle of the night, anyway?" Chris' attorney continued, looking as if he were deep in thought for dramatic effect.
"I had just gotten back from band practice...It was really late and I hadn't slept very well for a few days before that. I guess I was just exhausted, forgot to lock the door and fell asleep. You need to be buzzed inside unless you live there, anyway, so it's not like it matters."
"And William just happened to chose your door, having 'never met you,' and it just happened to be unlocked at that time?"
"Well, as for him choosing my door, I wouldn't find that too strange. My apartment is the first one you see when you get on the landing for that floor, so it wouldn't surprise me that he ran to that one first. And as for it 'just happening to be unlocked,' I'm sure if mine wasn't, he would have tried another door or kept running. ...I'm glad my door was unlocked, though."
"Why's that?"
"If it hadn't been, who knows what could have happened to William." Gabe shuddered at the thought. "I heard Chris screaming outside of the door when he was searching for him. I wouldn't have been able to protect him from Chris, and he probably would have been thrown into the hospital and then ditched with nowhere to stay and no one to take care of him, protect him, and make sure he's okay and stays that way. It had been anyone else, we probably wouldn't be here right now. Chances are, they wouldn't have given enough of a shit about this kid they had just met to a, clean him up, b, give him water, food, clothes and a place to stay, c, call for an ambulance when they noticed he was coughing up blood, d, stay with him in the hospital to make sure he was going to be alright, e, offer him a place to stay after he got out of the hospital, f, beat up Chris because they were so fucking pissed that anyone would want to, and repeatedly, hurt someone so beautiful, or g, risk their job for not showing up for three days straight now and piss of their band for not coming to practice. Why they didn't come? Because they were too busy going to a court hearing, in which, they're too busy trying their damn hardest to convince a jury of complete strangers that Chris is guilty of not only abuse and rape, but of being a terrible person, and that the reason they did beat the shit out of Chris is because they were pissed and wanted him to feel just a little bit of what he had done to William. Now, I don't know about you, but I very highly doubt anyone else would have done this for some kid they had just met. They wouldn't, but I would, and I did, so yes, I'm extremely happy my doors weren't locked that night. I met a wonderful person and got the almost week-long experience of a lifetime out of it, and hopefully a friendship that lasts that long, as well, and that's more than enough for me."
Completely stunned, William fought back the urge to run up, hug and kiss Gabe for all he's worth right then and there. The tears, however, couldn't be held back, so he let them fall freely. He sniffed and wiped them away, looking over to a smiling Sandra, back to a tear-ridden mother and smiling father, and then back up to the suddenly shy Gabe, who was timidly grinning right back at him, blushing more than he ever had. Realizing the jury was probably now 100% on William's side (as if he didn't think they were already), Chris' attorney quietly stated that he had no more questions, sitting back down next to a very unhappy Chris.
The sight only made William's tear-filled smile grow that much larger.
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