Everything We Had [Thirteen B]

Aug 18, 2008 18:50

Title: Everything We Had [Ch. 13b]
Pairing/band: Gabilliam<3
Rating: NC-17 overall
Warnings/Info: Court.
Disclaimer: If this actually happened, I pity Bilvy.
Summary: "Mr. Anderson, do you realize it is against the law to lie under oath?"
Dedications: prettyodd_me and lennykk123 for becoming good friends of mine :)
Previous Chapters: Here.
A/N: Chris' testimony. I'm sorry it took me so long to get this part out, I've had such a terrible writer's block with Chris, Gabe and William's parents' testimonies that I just wrote standalones and 3 parters (see 'Lot 45' :P) to get me back into the writing spirit. Hopefully I'll be able to keep this one going without the long delays from now on!

For the first time in what was probably his entire life, Christopher was actually wearing something other than his usual attire of gym shorts and plain t-shirts. He was dressed similarly to William, only the pants weren't skin-tight (definitely not his style), and his tie was orange- Chris' favorite color. William had a brief thought of how weird he looked in something other than his normal clothing, and was almost about to think to himself that damn, he looked good, but stopped himself and thought of Gabe and how amazing he looked, instead.
"Let's get straight to the point. Do you ever remember hitting Mr. Beckett?" Chris' attorney said everything almost rhythmically, as if they had practiced this several times before.
"No," Chris stated simply, looking over to William with fake tears in his eyes. "I would never hurt him. I love him too much for that."
"Bullshit," William mumbled under his breath, glaring at Chris. Sandra grabbed his hand for comfort.
"It's okay, sweetie, the jury knows he's lying," she said, nodding in the direction of the jury members, who really did look like they weren't buying into Chris' lies. This made William smile a bit, but it faded as the next question filled his ears.
"Do you have any reason that would make you ever want to hurt him?"
"I can't think of any, no. We got along perfectly. He was my soul mate."
"Well, if it wasn't you that was hurting him, do you know who was?"
"And who might that be?"
"His father. William would always come to my apartment after their arguments, crying and bruised, sometimes even bleeding, and I was always there to help him in any way I could. I don't understand why he would want to put all of this on me when I was the only one there for him after his parents practically disowned him," Chris said, making a point to shoot a dirty look at William's parents, who both snorted in disgust. William turned around to look at them and instantly felt guilty for ever leaving them so early and on such bad terms. After all he had put them through, they were still here to try and help him win this case so he could finally be free of the man that was the reason they were left and hurt by William in the first place. He made a mental note to hug them and apologize for everything later. For now, his concentration had been turned back to Christopher.
"So you never hurt William, like he claims?"
William's hands shook with anger. He expected this from Chris, every last lie. What he wasn't expecting was that he'd be so good at it. Thankfully, the jury was still seeming to not buy into anything. William made another mental note to himself to thank Sandra for asking to see the bruises Chris had created on his wrists from when he had repeatedly raped him, or the jury probably would be buying into every venom-filled word dripping from Chris' mouth right now.
"No further questions, your honor," Chris' attorney said, smirking at Sandra before taking a seat. Sandra stood, walking over to the stand, and placed her hand on it, looking over at Chris with a cold hearted gaze.
"So, Christopher, if you weren't abusing William, were you involved with any drugs, like he had mentioned?"
"I'd have a drink or a smoke here or there, yes."
"So could it be possible that during those times you might have abused William and, after sobering up, not remembered the previous night's events?"
"It could, but it's highly unlikely. Like I said, I love William with everything I am; I would never hurt him, sober or not. If I had, I don't remember a single second of it and would hope that William could somehow find it in his heart to forgive me."
William laughed a little at this, looking over to Gabe, who was giving Chris a 'you've got to be kidding me'  look, shaking his head disbelievingly. Gabe looked over to William and smirked, nodding over to Chris as if to say, 'can you believe this guy?' William grinned and nodded, completely understanding everything Gabe was thinking right now and wondering how he ever put up with Chris.
"Were you and William living together?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"For how long?"
"Around a year and a couple months now. We found a place together shortly after we started dating."
"But didn't you also say that William would come over to your house after he'd been in an argument with his father?"
"Well...Y-yes, but I-"
"Don't people who live together tend to stay and live at the house they share, and not live with their parents that had, according to you, previously disowned them?"
"But...I mean...I..."
"And surely, if two people were living together, one would refer to the home as 'our' home, would they not?"
"Well, yes...But...I, uh, he..."
"Mr. Anderson, do you realize it is against the law to lie under oath?"
"Y-yes," Chris said shakily, looking around the room as if he'd somehow find the correct answers and his escape in it.
"So why would you?" Sandra asked, winking at William before stating that she, too, had no further questions, which ended Chris' testimony as soon as he was caught in his lies. Christopher, as expected, tried to cover all of this by screaming a shaken "I didn't! I swear! I...I..." before collapsing into tears. William looked to Gabe, who was smirking back at him. He mouthed the words 'she's good,' to William, and made his way to the stand as soon as his name had been called.

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