You've got a light you can feel it on your back

Jan 14, 2008 23:59

I honestly don't feel so strongly about my new job, unlike my first. Strongly, in the sense that I would not rave about how interesting everything is nor how stagnating and dumbing it is. A week into the new office, I'm slowly just trying to absorb the whole process as my job description is somewhat in a different order of things. Coming from a design firm where concepts were the foundation of thought, I have shifted to a firm where transmission is they key, a far cry from producing drawings in front of the computer for long hours.

But. Sometimes I see that I am too young to be, this.

I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I accepted the job offer- like college applications and getting a Winona Ryder haircut circa Reality Bites/ Bea Alonzo circa One More Chance. Hahaha. All I know is that the idea of it is promising, and I see myself doing it and being good at it. Everything else are jigsaws falling into place. Circumstances seem to be better when it's like that anyway- act upon in the beginning then let the laws of attraction do their thing. Dance dance dance.

Whatever, right.

+ RIP Mynah bird
Keiko our pet Mynah for almost 10 years has passed away. He should be damn remembered! He's fooled a lot of our house guests into thinking he's my mom with good mornings, how are you's, I love you's. Can sound like a telephone ring, even like how we sneeze. Oww. Keiks, you'll be missed.

So I had my hair cut even shorter than it already is. I get a lot of sympathetic remarks, like what happened? Is everything alright? Oh man. I'm tired of explaining:) It's just hair. It grows back. No big deal.

Oh. Yuh. Happy new year.
Bye. It's getting late.

jigsaws, hair, pet, work

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