Mar 21, 2006 22:19
It is always said that the word "love" is thrown around too much. I think too much of a good thing makes it void, null and lacking in true meaning.
I really, really like it when:
- You're explaining something to someone and they, honest-to-God completely understand what you mean.
There's nothing better then complete understanding between yourself and another person.
- You're anticipating something, and when it finally comes, it's everything you wanted it to be and more.
- That feeling where you know something good is coming your way, like a surprise party or something. You know it's coming but you feel giddy & excited anyway.
- You wake up & feel it in your bones that you're going to have a good day, and then actually having a good day.
- You hear a song that has lyrics that could not put into better words how you are feeling at that exact moment.
- You see something so pleasing to the eye that iyou wish you could just sit there and look at it for eternity.
Life is wonderful in these little ways...