Written while at work, between calls, on 1-3...

Jan 06, 2005 01:03

Since I haven't in quite some time...

I know I never post anything of relevance or a real post, so I'm sitting at work trying to write one right now. We're supposed to be super busy, but we're not. Knock on wood for me since there is none in this building. I'd have to go downstairs to the cafe and knock on the hunk of wood sticking out of the trash that they use to bang out the used cuban coffee. And I'm not about to do that.
Anyway. Work is going pretty well I think. Unfortunately, it's all I do, so it's all I really have to talk about to someone. I noticed the other day that when Erick is not with his on/off girlfriend, he comes by to visit me and talk to me. When he's with her, I never see her. That's strange, isn't it? I've been car pooling with this girl that works in the coordinators. She's pretty cool, but unfortunately for me, she has contact with me before I'm coherent so I ramble to her every morning and tell her stories she probably couldn't care less about and things I wouldn't normally tell people. Oh well. At least she doesn't seem the type to tell the world, really.
I think I need to make some new friends, ones at work even. I'm not amazed at how people forget their friends and remember them when the fun stops, but I am always amazed at how quickly they forget their friends and how quickly they remember them. Just the sheer speed at which you get dropped and suddenly picked back up is like wow. I figure if I make friends here, at least they can't drop me because I'll be here. Too many of the people I hold very dear and close to me live too far away from me and it makes it to easy to drop me, avoid me, then suddenly call like it's ok. I'm completely tired of having that happen. It seems to be happening a lot lately with too many people. I don't believe it has anything to do with me, people just get wrapped up in their lives and you know, out of sight, out of mind I suppose. Granted I can keep tabs with them all if they'd let me, no matter how far away they are. I guess not everyone has that capacity. I tried to clean out my "friends" and get rid of the ones who weren't exactly my friends around my birthday and I was semi-successful... there are some people that I'm not sure what to do with or do about, but eventually things will work them selves out however they should ultimately turn out to be.
I'm in eBay hell right now and owe people money, but some of them are not replying to my request for a total when it shows no shipping cost on their shit. I'm highly annoyed by this. Many thanks to Casey Stratton and whoever is in charge of his auctioning of the holiday CD. I just paid for it last night and had bid a while ago after contacting them. They were kind enough to allow me to bid and pay when I got paid. If only other people were as kind with their auctions. All I have to say is that person that is not responding to me best not leave me some terrible feedback and send the eBay police after me for non-payment. I think in a few days I'm going to pay them $1 shipping per item and to hell with them. I'm sure they will reply if that is not what they wanted. On the downside, I have purchased some items in duplicate like a moron. I'm not sure how that happened, but once I get everything I'll post here and see if anyone wants to buy it from me before I re-eBay it.
I'm sure I had more to say, but 5 sudden back to back calls later, my train has been derailed. Perhaps I'll try to add more later.
So today my department started their new schedules. Incase anyone wants to reach me, I'll be at work and semi-unreachable Sun, Mon, Tues, Thurs 11-9... unless I'm doing OT as everyone keeps saying we will be getting soon. I'm not so sure, really. Today is really slow and there's really not much Hawaii space left for us to sell for groups. We'll see. I could really use the money, so I'll work myself to the ground if they let me... after I get un-sick again. I can't do it like this. I sound like ass.
On an unrelated music note...
If the Scissor Sisters come your way, go see them. They are amazing and I never really posted about the shows. I went up to see them at the House of Blues in Orlando with Stephen and they were amazing. Then we drove home, went to work, and went to see them on the beach. They were again amazing. Jake is a sweetie and has a very nice ass. The second night, he autographed my second set list to "Lovely Carmen" which was nice of him. I can't wait for the DVD to come out and I have to buy the DVD single and Limited Picture Disc record single for Filthy/Gorgeous. I'm greedy and too broke to be that way.
I'm trying to find a way to go see VNV in Tampa on Saturday since I'll be right there in Orlando. My mom told me we're spending time as a family and got all bitchy about it already. But, come on. I don't need to spend time with a bunch of Rick's people... the dorks that they are. AND see that hot boyfriend of one of his daughters that I totally embarrassed myself in front of last year. Not fun. We'll see.
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