(no subject)

Aug 21, 2008 15:13

But the trouble I have caused
I wonder
Where do I belong
Is it here?

Believe in dreams
You love so much
Let the passion of your heart
Make them real
And tell
All the ones you love
Anything and everything you feel

Laugh about the past
And secretly
Wish we could go back
And save the child

As I look around this room
Seeing worried eyes I know
It's time we cannot buy
Was this worth the time to write
Was this worth the time to write

things have been so hard this month. I've been so emotional. so depressed. so hurt.

but im starting to see that things in my life are changing so fast, and without me even knowing. not even with my surrounding, but in my heart, and my mind and just in my being.

I've been realizing so much, really maturing, and really starting to grow up.
I'm seeing everything so differently now. and not from my own selfish point of view.

I'm realizing that what I've done wrong, really ruined my life, and really hurt so many people around me, and broke the trust of the most important people in my life. my parents, my family, mostly.

I'm realizing, that although i love my friends, and always will; they are not always going to be there for me. And that honestly, I can only count on myself. and God. If I'm lucky, I'll have people that I can count on, that really do love me. ( which i do, and those are the few people that have been there since the beginning, the ones that never left. ) But honestly, I just have to worry about myself, and getting my life together, for ME. not for anyone else. I can't be so caught up in worryin about whose approval i need to get, or doing anything for anyone else. I have to do it for me. For my own self, because its my life, and I want it to be good, because i deserve that. I have to worry about getting my heart right with God, and everything else is going to fall into place.

you don't know how proud I am of myself right now.
How I can really trully say I love the person I am, and
I love who I'm going to be. I've said it before, but now, I really trully mean it. I'm seriously about to cry, like.. I've overcome SO much. and finally this storms over. theres not one cloud in my sky. not anymore.
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