Jan 14, 2007 19:43
+++ ASTARTE! (hot) (missed her)
+ Hathor (not as hot as Astarte but still really hot; also friendly)
++ assorted cute red-heads
- above red-heads apparently married to wizards and/or friends with Mr. Boring
- weird goth chick says she knows me, lol whut
--- (would prob. only know any weird modern goth girls through 1-night stands, v. few of those in last millennia)
+ tent in Theoi
+ Astarte temple
+++ Did I mention Astarte?
-- said I'd behave well in Nexus
- Nephthys (bitch)
+ not my Nephthys! (and actually moderately okay, if still a judgmental bitch)
+ cute gold-haired Chaos lady
? Courtney
? Anpu/Ammit
? Hermes
+ gave some woman a donkey
That's all I remember right now. I guess it's pretty good.