Title: Full-Time Educators
harasetakRating: Everyone
Summary: Dear Mr and Mrs Arthur Weasley,
It is my regret to have to inform you that your sons, Fred and George Weasley, have departed from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on what we believe to be a permanent basis.
Full-Time Educators )
This shorty gave me a better appreciation for my mother and what she may have done for our family. I never really reflected on it but raising a family of 7 with four boys juuuuuust might have had its trying times. (Not me though)
Awesome job of taking Molly through the myriad of emotions from such an event. I think a great follow-up (hint-hint) would be the seesaw responses from the twins under Molly’s inquisitor-like dressing down. You did a cool job of adding the smells on Arthur coming home from the Ministry. This added uniqueness to this fic as I have only found this when a writer(s) are focusing on an item of special interest in the story. Or, they're are just long-winded with everything they write. :)
I really laughed at your depiction of Arthur having a little hound in him as well. I tried picturing that used in a scene in a future HP film but just didn’t think producers would go for it.
Well, speaking of being ‘long-winded’… I guess I need to call my mum now and apologize for things that I did that upset her when I was young.
Thank you, for sharing this.
(a.k.a. Paladin)
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