Okay, crunch time is coming up kids, you better be buckling down. I expect that you'll be studying up because come next week I'll be reviewing all your work and seeing where you can do better. I also want you all to think about what you need to improve on, and don't be scared to come ask me something or King if you're desperate. After next week, that will be it, because your exams will have begun.
You can still sign up for the trip as well. Best do it now before you disregard everything in your memories besides you name in order to cram as much information into your heads as possible.
[Filtered to Wolfram: Unhackable]
Feeling better now I hope.
Stupid question but are you sure you can handle training and your OWL's? I'm not taking the blame if you flunk.
I had to write and let them know, and they seem okay with it. Guess I can' be sure until we talk face to face. I know mum won't mind, though I'll have to warn her off using him as a dummy for her next project. Dad will keep his usual solemn silence I suppose, though maybe's it's not that surprising after seeing me in dresses for the last eleven years.
Roko is bound to freak a little, but probably more from surprise than anything else. As long as he keeps that wife of his on a lead it'll be fine. She's such a busybody, no fair guessing who wears the trousers in their marriage. I'll still be expected to babysit even so...
Well, could be worse, I can only imagine how his family will take it, if he even tells them. Damn I shouldn't pry, that's his business, but I just don't want a wedge driven in so soon. Especially considering how good it's becoming...
How the hell did he get so good at this with so little experience? Natural talent? And to think we'll be around each other all summer...minimum disruption...oh my...
[Filtered to Hotohori: Unhackable]
Eh...we might have to think things through a bit more next time. It's getting better but the first day it swelled up so it was really noticable. I was still a bit worried even though I caked on the foundation to cover it up...
[OOC: Heehee, has been stressing about hiding the hickey Hotohori gave him, and how he's dealing with how this relationship will work during the summer while the Astrology teacher is staying with him. ^-~]