I would have rather gone that way than seeing another sibling die in front of me. And those kids, they're only babies right now, to think they might have...Damn, just reminds me I've got a love of visits to the cemetary to make up for during summer.
Alright, now that everyone has calmed down for the most part, let's get back to normal shall we? I'm giving you out some work to do.
First and second years, an essay on the North Star, at least 3 pages in length.
Third and fourth years, an essay on Novae and Supernovae, at least 4 pages in length.
Fifth, sixth and seventh years, you'll be given a set of essay questions, and I want you to pick three from the list and write plans out for how you would go about answering them in an exam. Here are the topics:
Star Clusters
Binary Stars
Planetary Nebulae
Stellar Brightness
Solar Atmosphere
Variable Stars
The Sun
All work is to be handed in on Friday at the latest. Also, those who have remedial work to hand in, I would like to see that handed in as well.
Oh, one more thing. While it is a bit early to say so, I want to get this out of the way before you all get wrapped up in studying for exams and such. The Department will be having a little stargazing field trip in June. If you want to come along, sign up in class, then we shall send out an owl asking your parent or guardian permission to let you attend. Do let us know as soon possible so we can estimate how many of you are coming, and how many chaperones we'll need. Once we know the numbers roughly, I'll give you more details.
[Private to HotoHori]
Um, not that I'm not glad that you decided to be assertive on the whole matter, but I think this whole thing needs talked through. I mean...how are we going to make this work?
[Private to Wolfram]
Alright, can you please let me explain myself before you start screaming, snickering, questioning or blackmailing me? Lucky for you we still have your training so you can wait till then to talk to me. I get the feeling from you went through, you could use the chance to break something, right?
[OOC: The dying didn't bother him nearly as much as the trying to sort things about between him and Hotohori and now knowing Wolfram is aware he's a man, so he's trying to do some damage control while acting as normal as possible, a tough thing to do. ^^ Also, strikes unreadable. Also, put in homework inputs
here please. There will be a detailed post on the OOC board about the field trip soon as well,