So happy dead indian day to everyone. We didn't really do
anything for it, the way I look at it is, crappy food is crappy
any day of the year. Small pox is not and excuse into goading me
into eating crappy dry ass turkey. Or tofurky for that matter.
Anyway, Scoo Backman had her
on Wednesday. It was good times, we went to Katana our favorite sushi
join. Its always a nice time going there. they really seem to like us.
Its nice being able to go to a resturant and just sit down and have
them know what to bring you. Kelly, the waitress/part owner Knows
that if I come in in the afternoon by myself I want a beer, if I come
in in the evening with Missy its just a sprite, Or if its a group of
friends its a beer and a sake. Its just very cool. infact they have
names a sushi roll after our cat Oki. But all in all it was a good
was there. So was Kimmah, wich is cool I haven't seen him in
maybe six months. Thats one thing that sucks about the Navy, among many
others.. but I digress, It sucks meeting all these cool ass people
every place you get stationed, and then not getting to see them anymore
once you leave. Its hard to keep in touch with everyone. And you really
don't appreciate some of the poeple you had around you untill they are
gone(yea give me a break)
So here is a question.. I really enjoy taking and posting
pictures, now is it prefered that I put them in the enrty, or just link
to them. I think i'd like to go with a healthy mix of both. wich
is probably the best answer. But I know some people are too lazy
to click on links. But then again you the teaming fives of people
who read my blog aren't that lazy or I would destroy you. Any
input would be cool on that subject. Also speaking of pictures, I
want pictures of you with tape over your mouth looking scared if
posible. Tape is prefered, but rope or ball gags or whatever else
you have will work. This isn't some sick sex thing or anything so
guys too. Get creative.. I think.
So My Aunt did spill the beans to the 'rents amout my jimmy
piercing. I think my mom really doesn't care much. And for that
matter niether does my dad. But he is pretty curious about it. In the
same way I would expect most guys to be. You go your whole life trying
to protect the thing. Infact its the only reason I am even here, and I
let some dude stick a handfull of metal through it. Then not only do I
not pull them out. I tug on them causing great pain to build up extra
scar tissue so they can be tugged on harder later, and when I am done
with this I clean it 3 or 4 times a day to make sure I never have to
take them out. I understand how it could be confusing. Especially to a
more conventinal guy. But my parents are pretty damn cool so
thats good. They have always pretty much lived by the montra of, " if
your a big enough boy to do it, then your a big enough boy to do
it" Which is why I got my first full time job at 16, along with
my first tattoo a few weeks later after that first payday. Or why the
let me join the navy at 17.
Anyway, its time to go rock some Halo over a nice cozy fire with a few
mutts laying at the feet. And maybe eat some of my left over
thanksgiving 'lumberjack slam'
Heres some more pictures of Scoo's birthday, If you want more let me know I have about 50 pictures of it.
The happy couple
Yarg, I see booty.
Yea like we wern't going to get her a cake.
this is what I like to call "explains it to the idiot"
Missy. Those of you who know her, know what I am talking about.
Obligitory Leo picture
Everybody loves