my cats breath smells like cat food.

Nov 19, 2004 07:50

So.. Here’s the deal...
 I used to post in a crappity Internet forum. Made only that much crappier by my negativity. The place started getting boring, and I was looking for an excuse to leave. The owner of the forum, a decently funny guy mind you. Well anyway the owner started some shit with me on my stands on racism.  He tried calling me out on being a white supremacist. And that I was only thinly veiling it by saying I have black friends. And then he further defecated out of his mouth about how allot of the words I use have racial backgrounds such as ‘oi’. Obviously he doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. I tried setting him straight with expounding my loathe for all society not just one race in general. But he told me I had to stop with my Slurs Obviously me calling my Italian friend a wop really hurt this guys feelings. Fair enough. So that was a pretty good excuse to leave. Since the real reason I was there was to waste time at work, and post my thoughts and art and stuff, hence- livejournalage.  Also I started getting really aggressive to a few morbidly obese people on the forum out of boredom. Yea that’s probably not a nice thing to do but I'm not a nice guy.  The reason I am putting this all down is because I'd say I don't expect my small group of friends to read this very often and blah blah, but I have a feeling they will. Why not? None of us are that busy. So I think I might be doing an excess of posting here for at least a while if not forever. And I don't expect comments on every little rant or doodle I put up here.  Like Sean said the other day it just sometimes helps to put it down on paper somewhere so you can sit back and take a look at it. If someone gives you advice on it all the better.

On another note, I have this kick ass Aunt, and we talk just about every day via e-mail. She rules, my sister actually named her daughter after her.  Well I told her about my new genital piercing. I wasn't going to tell the Fam because that’s kind of an odd situation I mean we are all very open with each other but when your mom finds out you have your dick pierced... Well then she has to think about why you would do that. And I don't think about her no-no parts she shouldn't be thinking about mine.  But my Mother, Grandma, and Aunt are all getting together for this thanksgiving. So I told auntie-Ann that she could break the news for them all at the same time as long as she took pictures of the reaction.  That'll be sweet.

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