Dec 07, 2006 20:07
Another van entry;
So now I'm tour managing a band from brooklyn/queens NY through the west coast of the US. They're really good friends so things have been a lot of fun.
Life has been very entertaining. For instance the last tour I was on was headlined by silverstein and now this one is by senses fail. Two years ago I would have laughed and said 'as if, that's the gayest thing ever' and now two years later, this is what I have to say "its so fucking gay that shit pile bands are able to headline a tour"
What I have realized though is; these shitty bands, I think know they actually suck, so when they set up tours they reach out to bands that have a little more realism in their music, rather than crying like a prepubescent boy bands. So at the end of the day when they sell thousands of dollars worth of cds and shirts they can go back to there buses whike we go back to our vans and feel like their lives aren't that big of a joke.
It really fascinates me how the music industry functions sometimes.
I still don't know if I'm gunna be home for christmas or not. It sure would be nice. But we'll see how it all works out.
I wish I had a little more to say, but I figure an update at least once a month on this is needed.