Shaking the Rust Off

Jun 14, 2012 22:27

It's been well over half a year since I last picked up a Bridge hand, and I desperately want to play in this year's 4th of July Regional, so I decided to shake the rust off by playing on BridgeBase Online, figuring the "Relaxed" tables should be good enough to ease back into the swing of things.

Well, today, I had a random partner who seemed experienced enough, when along came a stupid-looking hand for me: singleton spade, six hearts, two diamonds, and four clubs. 8 HCP. So, I start with 2H naturally enough. Then things got weird:







†What the holy hell is this bid?

Why did my partner bid 5S? She did have six spades and four hearts, but it still can't be a serious place to play, nor can it be a cuebid (else she'd have taken us to Blackwood instead of settling on 4H earlier). I even thought that she might be naming the space Ace (which she had), but still it's inappropriate after settling on 4H. If she thought the control was important, we'd have entered a slam auction much earlier.

After she left the table, another person sat down, and his first comment was "weird 5S bid." Ugh. We go down miserably, giving 11 IMPs to them. :( On the plus side, most of the rest of the hands were pretty decent.


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