(no subject)

Jul 05, 2004 13:17

I spent all last night hanging out with Jen's cousin. Jen went to bed at midnight and he didn't want me to leave so we hung out until 4 am.
Definitely an eventful night.
"I gotta piss like mad.. I'm gonna go pee on the tree" " why not pee on that cat?" "yea! the cat!"

We went to Beckers and got a cigar, we smoked a cigar. He burnt his finger and I kissed it better. Then he jokingly put the cigar up to his dick, and unintentionally burnt his penis :D He tried to get me to kiss it better, but I was pretty hesitant because he's Jen's cousin.

We went for a walk, and I gave him a piggy back. He took this as an opportunity and rather than holding on with his arms around my neck (the way most piggy backs work) he grabbed my tits.. I started laughing and fell over.

He wouldn't stop complaining about how his dick hurt, then he was like "holy shit! there's a bump!" He made me feel his bump.

We went back to Jen's place, where he tried (VERY PERSISTANTLY) to get with me. We talked for a while about sex and previous experiences and such, I found out he's a pretty big slut. Then he got mad at me for calling him easy, until i convinced him that he IS easy.
He started touching my leg, which I cannot handle, so I told him to stop. He asked why, so I told him, that just made him do it more. So he finally stops and then lies on me. Apparently my tits make awesome pillows, he turns around, squeezes them and goes "oh man... those are fucking awesome" then lies back down.. I started playing with his hair, I LOVE HIS HAIR! It's all curly, and adorable!!! And as he was falling asleep he goes "I'll do this for you tomorrow night" and then my leg started to hurt so I made him get up. Then he poked me in the neck, I have no idea how he knew to do that but I wanted to kill him. Then he goes "if you're that sensitive to poking, you must love getting your neck kissed" "well.. yeah" and he goes "can i kiss your neck?" and I was like "nononono" "why not?" "Because, it's like the leg thing.. Once you cross the line, i don't have any self control." and he was like "so what? I won't tell anyone. Just let me kiss your neck" I managed to change the topic for a while until he brought it up again, then he just did it.. holy shit. Then he just looked at me with a little grin, so I kissed his neck. Then I decided I needed to go before I did something stupid. So I kiss him on the cheek then get up to go to my car. He walks with me and as I get in he goes "are you sure?" and I'm like "yeah.." so he goes "damn.. that car's lookin pretty good right now.." so i kinda laughed, knowing i needed to leave soon. So then he offers to eat me out, with nothing in return and says "come on! That's such a good deal!!!" but I was like "I have to go!" so he goes "shot down" and I'm like "nono.. but I have to work tomorrow and it's already 4am" so I get out and give him a hug before heading off. And he goes "man.. I know what I'm doing tonight" :D

What a night! I still can't believe he peed on a cat! !!!
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