Met Alex on a clear day, light yellowing among the trees and there seemed to be an illusion of the surroundings being behind a theatrical scrim of morning fog-that get-together was completely unplanned. We walked about in the narrow, dirty streets and started a conversation about time travel which I remember he mentioned he wanted to create a time capsule filled with treasures he has collected years past. We began to be animated, laughing aloud for no reason. He followed me from behind as I skipped and turned at the lampposts chiding “Alex! Alex! Alex! Aliens! EY-LI-YENS!” Alex’s gaiety was so infectious and we took turns in removing each other from the path as one would slip dangerously close to the streets where raging cars passed by being so unaware of the environment. We glowed, seemingly whisked away from the world into the merry land of whiskey-if we were actually drunk. Alex glowed and made sure to always bend down (he’s so tall!) whenever we shared a joke and his laugh was a raspy and hearty one that seemed to pull you closer. By this time he was putting his arm around my waist as we walked and I mellowed to fondness with us being increasing attentive. I felt most beautiful and slightly damned. We sat by some railings present on the sidewalk to take a rest and Alex was taut, dawned so sweet and sweetly put together and grew gentler by the second. Out of the blue, I decided to embrace him and we both found out that I can’t even manage to wrap my arms around him since he was so large and lean! I didn't force myself to further wrap him completely and settled my head on his left muscular upper arms. He asked me “What?” and pulled off a weird goofy face I can’t even describe.