I've been reading A Clash of Kings lately, and y'all, I think I just found my
fictional girlfriend. I am talking, of course, about Asha Greyjoy. The chapter where Theon first meets her after he's back at Pyke is my favorite one so far. SHE IS SUCH A TROLL. I love her forever and ever.
Also, GRRM really loves his incest, doesn't he?
The rest of it, though, is not always so happy making. I feel so terrible for the Starks. They've got the Lannisters to contend with, and Robb's bannermen all getting restless, and then the Greyjoys planning to attack in the North, and ugh, poor Starks. They, just can't catch a break, can they? :(
I'm almost halfway through the book, and I have so many FEELINGS on all of the characters. Mostly though, at this point, I'm mad all the major lords for fighting each other instead of the Lannisters. HELLO, YOU DO REALIZE WHO THE EVIL PEOPLE HERE ARE, RIGHT??? Like Renly and Stannis going up against each other, what the actual fuck is that? Stop being stupid. >:(
I still love Arya and Jon Snow, of course, and I have a weird fondness for Sandor Clegane for some reason. I guess because he's one of the few people who actually treats Sansa like a person? Still hate Joffrey and wish he would die. And I'm really happy about Stannis's letter campaign to expose Jaime and Cersei. Speaking of Cersei, though, I'm kind of disappointed with her character in this book. Perhaps it's because we only see her through Tyrion's eyes, but she doesn't really come off as the cool, collected evil mastermind I'd imagined her to be. Maybe that will change later on. I still don't know how to feel about Tyrion, by the way. I like that he's not outright evil, but I'm not sure I can quite like him.
Also, there was this bit where Dany is thinking how she's going to fill King's Landing with beautiful things and happy people, and it made me do this: