brb out of my mind

Apr 30, 2008 00:49

Ahaha, I have written so much fic today. Sadly, most of it was chatfic and not really anything of substance, but it was still incredibly fun.

See, last night I sent the following email to shoemaster:

I was backreading my LJ, and I came across that post where I said I wanted a clone!Frank. Anyway, so I was thinking, what if there suddenly was a clone!Frank, and the first thing he does when he shows up is sleep with Gerard (and Gerard agrees because he's had a crush on Frank since forever, duh). He takes off the next morning though and real!Frank is all weirded out by all these smiles Gerard keeps giving him, but then Gerard gets kind of mopey and uncertain when Frank seems to be like, ignoring him or whatever. But then clone!Frank turns up again, and sex ensues blah blah. And this continues for a while, and clone!Frank and real!Frank don't run into each other, until one day Gerard gets fed up with Frank's weird behavior and decides to confront him about it, all like, "Are you ashamed of me?" and Frank's like, "WTF dude? Are you on drugs again?" and Gerard's all "I won't be your little fucktoy" or whatever and Frank's just like o____________O

And then clone!Frank shows up, and it's Gerard's turn to be o______O and Frank stares and stares at himself some more and then realizes that this other him has been sleeping with Gerard all this time, and that hey! Gerard has the hots for him. And wait, what's that, he's actually jealous!

And then like, angst or whatever, Frank is like , "Go fuck that clone" or something, and Gerard's all "But it's you I fell in love with ;____;" and then they have hot hot sex etc.

Allison: ugh, just thinking about the clones, Gerard would be all secret smiles and affectionate with Frank the next day and Frank's used to that up to a point but he's definitely weirded out a little bit. And then he starts avoiding Gerard because he's so confused and Gerard is all "...random onenight stand?"

And then clone!Frank sexes him up again that night and Gerard is all "WOE ONLY USING ME FOR SEX" so then he's kind of pissy at Frank during the day.

And Frank is all "WHAT THE HELL?" Like, seriously what is with the mood swings, right? First he's all clingy and affectionate and the next day he's all standoffish and bitchy

Allison: and Gerard is hating himself because he keeps letting Frank into his bed

And then Frank makes a bitchy comment like "I thought Mikey was the bipolar one, not you." And Gerard is like "EXCUSE me? I'm bipolar?" And he gets all huffy and pissy and sort of loses his words and just gestures angrily and makes annoyed sounds and ends up just storming off which makes Frank think that Gerard really has gone off the deep end.

And then clone Frank bumps into Gerard and doesn't know why he's angry and Gerard thinks maybe Frank is having short term memory loss like in Fifty First Dates and then they're making out and Frank catches them.

So Frank sees Gerard making out with clone Frank and is all what the hell and then Gerard breaks the kiss and sees real Frank and is all O_O and freaking out. And clone Frank is all :( and a little guilty looking.

And Gerard's like "So that's why you were being such an asshole during the day, I just thought you didn't want anyone to know we were fucking" and Frank is all "..."

Allison: does clone Frank know he's a clone?
I think so? I mean, he was like, speed-grown in a lab, so like, he has no childhood/youth memories or whatever. So he knows he's not the real Frank.

So, some crazy fan somehow gets a piece of Frank's dna, and takes it to a scientist and pays exorbitant amounts of money for the scientist to make a clone of Frank but it's all pretty illegal, so it's all hush hush, and the experiment is done in like the scientist's basement or something. But like, the scientist is actually a nice dude, and doesn't really know what the plan of the crazy fan is, so when clone!Frank asks him about his origins, he tells him about MCR and stuff. But scientist won't let clone!Frank leave, because he says he belongs to crazy fan. But clone!Frank is like "Fuck that shit, I don't belong to anyone." So he figures out a way to escape.

And he decides, what else could he do but go and meet the guy he originated from. He'd seen videos of MCR and shit when the scientist had told him about his origins so he got a little fanboy crush on Gerard.

And he finally manages to track them down, they're on tour and he like hitchhikes to the city he knows they'll be in and arrives there in the evening and runs right into Gerard and they have a hotel that night and Gerard is actually being his usual self around clone!Frank.

He's like, "Hey you wanna come back to my room and finish watching Monster?"

And so clone Frank goes, and they're sitting on Gerard's bed, and Gerard goes off into like one of his speeches or whatever, all waving his hands about and being all earnest, arguing about the morality of saving dying patients and the doctor's supposed responsibility to kill the boy, and when he finishes he just looks at clone Frank, and clone Frank leans over and kisses him.

Clone Frank just goes exploring during the day.

At some point during the ensuing freak out Frank has to be all "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS REALLY ME!" because he's angry that Gerard was sleeping with his and didn't realize that it wasn't real Frank. But Gerard hears it as "like I'd ever sleep you *you*" a nd so he shrinks back and clone Frank gives him a hug and that makes real Frank even angrier and then Bob stumbles in on the scene.

They have a band meeting where there are jokes that he can be the stand in Frank for when he gets sick! Frank is still pissed though. "He's not me!" He doesn't find all this funny and he's all "what does he do the rest of the time? lay around the bus as Gerard's sex toy?" and everyone is all "...."

Gerard gets all offended on clone!Frank's behalf

There's a few days of cranky Frank and Gerard and the rest of the band hanging out with clone Frank, finding out what happened with him.

me: oh man, imagine their faces when they hear that it all started with a crazy frank obsessed fan

They wouldn't let Frank out of their sight for a moment for fear some other crazy fans would steal him

"She cloned you, dude, and her clone escaped, she might decide she'd rather have the real thing."

Frank: "Well Gerard seems happy enough with the substitute."

Mikey wants to thwop them both. Frank's just bitching continuously at Mikey about "How could Gerard have thought that was me? He doesn't even look that much like me. And his hair's all weird, and his eyebrows are misshapen."

Mikey wants to be just like. "You moron. He thought he was sleeping with YOU."

Gerard's all "I probably should've known that Frank would never start anything but it's nice to pretend sometimes."

Frank is stomping around and avoiding Gerard and his clone, because they're usually snuggling on the couch watching shit on the plasma. The emo voice in his head is all "What did I do to make him not wantme but still want my body? :(((("

The scientist used to give clone Frank weekly treatments so that his cells wouldn't deteriorate or whatever but he hasn't had those since he ran away and at first he's fine but as time passes, he gets sick and they're all "LOL it really is your clone!"

One day gerard walks in on clone frank throwing up bile and blood and he's really worried, and then he gets the story about the treatments out of clone Frank. So he calls a band meeting, and is all like, "Guys, we have to find this man." And they all agree.

Frank's still kind of pissed off, but doesn't say anything, just walks off after the meeting's over

Gerard goes after him though. "Are you gonna be okay with this? Because if you're just gonna be pissy, you can just go ahead and go home."

And Frank's like, "I just don't understand why you care so much about him!"

"He's YOU"

"But I'M me!"

"He laughs like you and he hugs like you and he..."

"...He what?"

Gerard can't actually say what he was going to, so he makes something else up. "Kisses like you."

Frank's just staring at him, not really knowing how to respond to that. He could kiss Gerard like for reals, not on stage, not for an audience.

He steps forward, looking straight into Gerard's eyes before his gaze drops down to his lips. He leans forward slowly, so Gerard can have no doubts in regards to what Frank's about to do.

Gerard's heart is totally pounding in his chest, because yeah, he can tell what Frank's about to do but he doesn't actually believe it.

Frank closes his eyes and presses his lips to gerard softly. It's weird, it feels like one of those middle school kisses where the only parts of their bodies that are touching are the lips.

All the nerve endings in Gerard's body are shorting out, either because they're touching Frank (because they're kissing) or because they want to be. It's like that first night with Clone Frank, back when Gerard thought it really was him.

Frank's heart starts speeding up when he feels Gerard kissing back, and he decides enough with this middle school bullshit, and steps closer to Gerard, invading his space, putting his hands in Gerard's hair and holding him there so he can kiss him properly.

Gerard lets his hands fall to Frank's hips feeling the warmth of his skin through the thin tshirt . This is all he ever wanted, to be able to do this with Frank without a guitar between them and an audience watching.

Frank pulls back after a while, breathing heavily and letting his forehead rest against Gerard's.

"I'm sorry," Gerard says, closing his eyes and just revelling in the nearness of Frank.

"Yeah, I was being kind of a jealous asshole." Frank's lips are still tingling, and he can feel Gerard's warm breath on his face, and the heat from Gerard's hands on his skin.

"I-I didn't know," Gerard says. "I was so fucking happy when you-when the clone and then..."

"Hey, it's okay," says Frank. He kisses Gerard quickly. He takes another brief moment to revel in Gerard's closeness before letting go and stepping back. "Maybe we should head back. The others might be worried we're ripping each other's throats out or something."

Gerard nods, "Yeah, I want to see how the other you is doing."

They still have to deal with clone frank who is getting worse and worse. So is Frank going to be jealous when Gerard sits down on the corner of clone Frank's bed and like, wipes his brow? Yeah, there's twinges of jealousy there, but he's trying to get them under control. At first he's unsure, but then Gerard's like, "I don't know what I'd do if it were the real you lying in that bed." And then he feels kind of guilty, because this other him is dying and they're trying to track down where he came from so they can save him but the odds aren't looking too good at this point.

The problem is that clone Frank himself doesn't know where he came from originally. He knows the city, sure, but he can't tell them the address, or even the name of the scientist or the crazy fan that funded this whole operation. And it's not like they can look up "mad scientists" or "crazy fans" in the phonebook, you know?

They do manage to find him though. Clone Frank recognizes the street, and then the house. They make the scientist remove the tattoos from clone Frank so he doesn't resemble the real Frank nearly as much.

Later, when they've got the scientist's name and address down, and a fuckton of cell disintegration treatment, they give clone Frank a make over and get him tattoos that are NOT Frank's. Frank even manages to get him a job at Skeleton Crew, uses his family connections to get clone him a background as a cousin

And then gerard has sex with real Frank finally, and Frank is kind of nervous because it's his first time, but does it really count as a first time for Gerard? But it's still hot and perfect because they're in looooooove.

And then they live sexily ever after.

Incidentally, did you know that if you want to get rid of a body, burning it (whole) is not the way to go? The more you know!

frank/gerard, fic, clones

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