Mar 05, 2005 22:04
good thing i update =D
so comp is tomorrow. i'm keepin my fingers crossed. no negativity here. if you think you're gunna do bad---its not a surprise when you do. i know we'll all do good.
last night was fun and st. anne filled. lol la salle game, then car cream and pizza and some interesting (for lack of a better word) conversation ended up as a really fun, random night. ya know those kind that are just fun because you never expect em, but if you try and do it again, it never works. yep. thats what it was. so good times there
tonight was dance team dinner at the elchucks. some, uh, odd surprising stories there also. good food and lotsa cookies and desserts...mmm. all in all a pretty good night.
now im gunna work on some of my million hours of homework that must be done. considering i'll be at comp from 9:45 till about 6ish tomorrow im guessin it'll be a long night. so with that, i bid you farewell.
dance team...
facials =D oh yeah!
ew. im done.