Teething hell

Oct 28, 2008 05:47

While I know many people on my LJ don't have kids, you have family members that do, so you all understand the term "Teething Hell".

Well yet again w/Nubbin 2.0 has decided he wants to Keep Up w/Big Sister. Her background is to have 6 teeth by 6 months old and a full set by a year old. Well I will say I thought and was teasing him b/c he was slow on the uptake for spitting out teeth. Well he is back on track...he is cutting 3 teeth at the same time and it's been total hell for me. The drooling, the snot, and the all around crankyness has been driving me nuts.

Put brandy on the gums you say HELL NO, give that to Momma and add a fucking 5 mg Valium please! He popped out one yesterday, one this morning AND I expect the top one any moment!

This is officially teething hell...
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