And Along Came a Spider

Oct 23, 2008 06:22

And the little fuck didn't sit next to me either.

Let's start from the beginning shall we? Ok's 4 ish am and my lovely son Nubbin 2.0 has decided not to go back to sleep after eating and decides to cry like a little baby. Oh wait he is, almost 8 months to be exact. So I am trying the official "Mommy wants you to shut up and go back to sleep" back pat and walk in the bedroom in the dark w/moments of sitting in the rocking chair to no avail. Nubbin 2.0 wants to wine about I walk more, in the dark. As I am doing this I kinda step on something, I think it's just a sock or a spit rag on the floor, I don't think anything of it because I want the kidlet to go back to sleep so I can. So needless to say as I am walking more I step on something again, this time I get a stinging feeling and I slap my foot and then decide to turn on the light....AAAHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? Poor Baba looks over and says "I think it's a type of tarantula". I give him the kid and thank god he stops crying. We then decide I should go to the ER because I have no idea what type of spider it is. We were able to bring it with us.

Well that was the fastest I have ever been in an ER in my life, except when I was 8 mos preggo and passing kidney stones...they thought I was in labor-that was funny. After hearing the nurses scream and gasp and even hear, "If that had bit me in the middle of the night I would have called 911 and had the SWAT team come out and kill it". That one got me laughing!

The good news is that it's just a wood spider, big and ugly, but harmless. Not painless or not itchy but I won't die or get really sick from it. The Dr was cute when he said to just take some Benadryl for the itching. Oh great I have two small kids and you want me on that stuff? Just call CPS now Mr. Smartikiss.

So the moral of our story is "spider suck in the house" and "you don't pay rent and your icky so you must die".
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