OMG! Might be the best description of this fantastic event. Although some of the planning wasn't perfect we actually had a fantastic time. Not only did everyone that came together completely enjoy each other's company but the entire group plans to do it again. We will hold another gather this winter, 2012. Date and the Event name will be announced soon.
There were a few similarities in the group that are only loosely connected to their kin type, if at all. Most of the group were either cisfemale, transwoman, genderqueer, or a mixture of them. There was an underlying energy of feminine, that was very nice. Then of course all of us were otherkin, but there were no elves (oddly enough) There were all sorts of other, including therians, but no elves. Then there was one very important similarity, all of us were cast aside by others in the past. Shunned. dismissed. Together we dislike that energy so much that we brought in the opposite - an inclusive space. Something I have only dreamed of since my very first kin gather. A gather where a group of kin come together and work to understand and accept each other for enlightenment, not for any other reason. WOW, it happened... seriously.
Even with the heat of the summer, the AC was on and most of us piled inside. It seemed each time we tried to go outside it would storm and push us all back in. Interestingly though after one faerie was able to create an amazing dragon to be hung above the group alter. Then the entire place began to dance with each other. It was amazing to watch the shy open up with beautiful smiles and amazing conversation. Each element of the Faehaven was used. The divination table, the community kitchen, the trade table, the group alter, the snuggle room, the costume closet and the open sexuality room had various amounts of activity throughout the day. The yard provided play room for all and frankly the space was so flowing I am only making one small change for the winter gather - and that's a discussion board. More on that later.
This event brought together some very unusual folks that truly enjoyed each others company.... Don't fit in anywhere else? Come to the gather, you likely will - ha ha!
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