Books, books, wonderful books

Feb 20, 2006 19:32

You can’t create something out of nothing; you can’t force other’s ideals to be your own, they must come naturally.

And we're falling downwards toward...

Focusing all of our energy upon one goal or issue blinds us to other perspectives that might allow us to understand what our own motives and situations truly are.

Narrow, narrow, narrow...

Since people who are self-aware understand themselves only as they existed in the past, for each moment has passed as soon as we have grasped it, nobody has the ability to catch up with, much less analyze and understand his or her current actions and his or her current self. Thus, because the human mind is not capable of digesting and understanding the present, only the past, we are all ridiculous, and understanding even those glimpses of the past becomes a curse. Unable to realize our flaws and manipulations in a proactive sense, and thus virtually unable to prevent ourselves from consciously doing ridiculous things, we can only interpret the past over and over again.

Kiss, kiss, kiss..


When people are detached from themselves, when the relationships that they have with others are impersonal, and the lives they build around them are grotesque, it is because they are satisfied with their lives when the very nature of humanity opposes this satisfaction.

Take this as a lesson and leave on your quest.
I am the witch on the tower and my mind is roaming.

I wish I could roll my r's when I speak spanish, but my tongue just seems too fat. I also wish that I could sit in the lotus position, but my knees don't bend that way. But to tell you the truth, neither of those things really bother me much on a daily basis, just as most of the stuff I whine about doesn't.

I know some amazing people. I feel like I have taken hold of their hands and am walking confidently into my future. I hope that I am as eager to give and receive love 40 years from now. Even 5 years from now.

I feel wonderful that I feel as if everything I have written here is a joke, because that means I have room to improve on things, and I realize it. Although some nights I'll admit that it gets me down.
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